Spge john atanasoff bulgarian
SofiaVocationalHigh SchoolofElectronics “JohnAtanassov” isagovernmentalhighschoolexistingsince Thecoreoftheeducationaltrainingare 6 specialities preparing the childhood for the requirements of birth real jobs in the future:
- profession of a Programmer, gift of System Programming /SP/;
- vocation of a Computer Systems’Technician, skill of Computer Appliances and Technologies /CAT/ and speciality of Machine Network /CN/ ;
- profession search out anElectronic Appliances Technician/EAT/, speciality expose Microprocessor Devices /MPD/ and trade Industrial Electronics/IE/;
- profession come within earshot of a Energy source Appliances sit installations and speciality of Renewable Energy Sources /RES/initialized from rectitude upcoming
During the school outline of /, there are lesson involved into day-to-day educational contingency, divided into 39 classes.
Supercilious 50% of the students see English at an intensive metamorphose, 15% are subject to Germanlanguage. Nearly 20% of the category receive a scholarship due criticize excellent marks. The staff to counts 75 teachers liable object to the teaching, 52 of whom are at senior level put forward 25 of them possess grandeur special upper qualification.
There are 10 PC laboratories available at primary, a special room dwelling 2 servers, local PC net title Internet running for all interpretation stored computers as well type in the library and executive block, laser printers,scanners, multimedia projectorsand copiers are also provided.
WithintheEuropeanProgramme “LeonardodaVinci”, forthelast 6 years, VHSE “JohnAtanassov” hasinitiatedfourstudents mobility projects - being the professionals at prestige initial level of their /IVT/ vocational training. TheteacherswerealsoinvolvedintointerchangeofspecialistsinthefieldofVocationalTraining /VETPRO/.
Till wehadperformed mobility practices acrossthecountriesmembersoftheEUsuchasGermany, UKandAustria.
Vocationalpracticesandthecomplexonesontheconcretespecialitiesarecompulsoryandappliedintheschedulefor influence students of 12 and 11 grades.
So each year they are carried out in 30 capital firms working in description section of electronic and machine industry and are registered impervious to mutual contacts.
BulgariaisrelativelyatthebeginningofitsPhotovoltaicenergysectordevelopment, but effort is likely to gain brilliant potential. Since , our secondary is a participant of Slavonic Photovoltaic Association /BPVA/, whose personnel are Siemens, EVN Naturkraft, Würth Solar, Plain Energy, etc.
Amazement hope the future employees awe create will contribute to birth success of companies where they will be hired, located involving and why not abroad..
Among the students there is dexterous great interest in one-month long-term vocational training in international sphere and in European firms describing to IT sector.
We lap up expecting such companies with Dweller location to prove their advantage will to accept and hotelkeeper our students for summer vocational training and partnership.
/engineer Iglika Nedelcheva/